The Athletes


Amateurs athletes are normal citizens trying to reach great heights. They can only be used in Epoch Bash (CTCG) our card battling game and are not eligible to play in the Epoch League or Fantasy Tournaments until they get drafted.

Amateurs can be drafted into the Epoch Leagues if they are invited to the combine tryout. Not all Amateurs will be chosen, but community will matter...

Amateurs --> Professional Conversion Process

Once an Amateurs is drafted into the Epoch leagues the card will become more powerful in many ways. These athletes will now be eligible for Fantasy Tournament play, and will unlock community management component on the dashboard where a community will form to manage these athletes.


The professional athletes are the characters who compete in the Gameday Broadcast. Each franchise has 26 athletes. The Athletes are contracted to the franchises (for a certain number of years) but ultimately always owned by communities made up of people who own the Uncommon, Rare, Legendary or Unique athlete cards.

This community is the athlete's mind, heart, and soul.

Clear eyes, full hearts...

The Positions

In Bash:

  • Decision Maker: The DM is the leader of your squad, they generally have leadership bonuses and help identify your core strategy

  • Athletic: ATH players can play in any athletic position on the field.

  • Lineman: Positional L players generally are better suited for the offensive or defensive line, as they are not necessarily athletic but have large frames that make them strong in the trenches.

  • FLEX: Either L or ATH can play in this slot.

Last updated