$AIDROP Token Utilities

$AIDROP token is burned every time revenue is generated

Burn Mechanism

$AIDROP Tokens will be burned (up to 100%) when any of the below revenue drivers are triggered.

Demand/Revenue Drivers

GPU Costs

Users of our $AIDROP DeFAI Agents will need to pay-per-action or pay-per-chat. These costs are marginal and similar to what you need to pay to use the Chat GPT API.

Platform Fees

Any automation used on the adrop.ai platform will have a small marginal fee associated with it.

On-chain Agent Payment Mechanism

We are developing the first fully on-chain Agent GPU payment mechanism. We are working with partners to adopt our system for their AI Agents and it will be 100% powered by $AIDROP.

Premium Features

We offer subscription services to premium features like ultra powered Agents, unique smart contract integrations, and ecosystem partnership deals to people who hold and stake the $AIDROP token.

Staking Rewards

Staking earns you access to our premium features and also a constant yield on the $AIDROP tokens.

Last updated